1. Université des Arts Târgu-Mureș
Intermediality, as an act which is necessarily an extension of what we might call inter-arts, makes theatre reconfigure not only its status, but also its structural elements. Thus, the presence becomes a theme which is impossible to be avoided in the analytical approach of theatre. It is the presence that is led in the direction of integrating the multiple meanings of those media that are on same level with the dedicated theater art. Our study will try to point out some elements that make intermediality transform the theatrical into a “composition” with paradoxical meanings and significances.
Universitatea de Arta din Targu Mures
Reference15 articles.
1. "AUSLANDER, Philip, 1993. ""Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics"" in Contemporary American Performance, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
2. BORTER, Jay David, GRUSIN, Richard, 1996. ""Remediation: Understanding New Media”, in Configuration, The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 4, nr. 3 (1996), pp. 311-358.
3. BROWN, George ; HAUCK, Gerd ; LARRUE, Jean-Marc (sous la direction de), 2008. Intermédialités: histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques, Centre de recherche sur l’intermédialité (Presses de l’Université de Montréal), nr. 12, 2008, pp. 13-29.
4. DELEUZE, Gilles ; GUATTARI, Felix, 1972. Capitalisme et schizophrénie. L’Anti-Œdipe, Paris: L’Éditions de Minuit.
5. DERRIDA, Jacques, 1967a. De la Grammatologie, Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.