1. Didier, A., Duval, C.H., Chan-Hon-Tong, A., Malterre, F., Dreyfus, F., and Leclerc, L. (2017). A new French organisation to promote the conservation of Plant Genetic Resources and their crop wild relatives. Paper presented at: EUCARPIA Genetic Resources, Crop Diversification in a Changing World: Mobilizing the Green Gold of Plant Genetic Resources (Montpellier, France).
2. Esnault, F., Le Bot, M., Pellé, R., Kermarrec, M.P., Abiven, J.M., Aurousseau, F., Chatot, C., Gravoueille, J.M., Dubreuil, H., Marhadour, S., and Chauvin, J.E. (2018). Multi-site evaluation for resistance to late blight of a collection of INRA improved breeding lines. Paper presented at: 19th Joint Meeting EAPR Breeding and Varietal Assessment and EUCARPIA Section Potatoes (Germany, Rostock-Warnemünde).
3. Geoffriau, E., Pitrat, M., Coquin, P., Balfourier, F., Brand-Daunay, M.C., Esnault, F., Jouy, C., Chauvin, J.E., Label-Richardson, A., Boulineau, F., et al. (2011). La conservation et la connaissance des ressources génétiques d’espèces végétales cultivées: un enjeu pour l’agriculture et un défi pour les acteurs. Paper presented at: Les Ressources Génétiques Face aux Nouveaux Enjeux Environnementaux Économiques et Sociétaux (Montpellier, France).
4. Marchal, C., Dedet, S., Pattier, S., Plaza, L., Araguas, A., Baille, D., Hurtado, D., Linares, N., Ojeda, H., Boursiquot, J.M., and Lacombe, T. (2017). The Vassal-Montpellier Grapevine BRC: 140 years of conservation and characterization for research and viticulture. Paper presented at: EUCARPIA Genetic Resources, Crop Diversification in a Changing World (Montpellier, France).
5. Conservation of horticultural genetic resources in France.;Roux-Cuvelier;Chronica Hortic.,2021