The Future of Service Learning in International Education


Bolt Andrew J.1,Rupert Pandora1


1. Fort Hays State University/Shenyang Normal University, 600 Park St., 67601, Hays, KS, USA


Objective This paper explores the complex dynamics of teaching service learning to EFL learners at a Chinese university through the eyes of two international instructors from an American partner school. By reflecting on different cultures' views on charity and assistance through tools like the World Giving Index, educators can gain a deeper understanding of the implications of international perspectives on service work. Tailoring pedagogical approaches to local conditions can better fulfill service education's function of producing future leaders who make cooperation and altruism a larger priority. Methodology/Technique The paper examines previous studies and reports. Findings The finding shows that perception of Western-style educational charities remains low as insisting on this can be met with a lack of enthusiasm and even hostility. But from international perspective, increasing number of students are likely to spend some of their educational experience abroad. Novelty : Providing previous context and world statistics, it gives reason on initiating service learning and its contribution on solving global, humanitarian and environmental issues. Type of Paper: Review Keywords: Developing Nations; Global Partnerships; International Education; Service Education; Service Learning.


Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise

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