Transcendental and Social Accountability in Productive Waqf Assets


Tumirin Tumirin1ORCID,Triyuwono Iwan2ORCID,Mulawarman Aji Dedi2ORCID,Prihatiningtias Yeney Widya2ORCID


1. Muhammadiyah University of Gresik, Sumatra Street, 61121, Gresik, Indonesia

2. University of Brawijaya, Veteran Street, 65145, Malang, Indonesia


Objective - The objective of the study is to formulate a concept of transcendental and social accountability in the management of waqf assets as a trust worthiness from God (Triyuwono, 2004). The concept is expected to be an Islamic accountability which is religious and social in nature (Hameed, 2000) Methodology/Technique - The study uses tawhidic post-phenomenology, a modified post-phenomenology based on the basic tenet of Islam, as an instrument to analyze data. The method is actually the development and combination of philosophy of technology (Ihde, 1993) and Ibn Arabi's philosophy of being (Dobie, 2007). Financial statements of waqf institutions, in this study, are regarded as a technology and additional are collected by interviewing four informants in the Regional Board of Muhammadiyah in Gresik. Findings - The study finds a da'i (preacher) metaphor as a form of accountability. This metaphor indicates that waqf assets functioned, firstly, as an instrument for doing Islamic missionary efforts with good practices (dakwah bi al-hikmah) such as helping orphans, the poor and the needy, and overcoming natural disaster; secondly, as a spot for Islamic missionary efforts with good advices (dakwah bi al-mau'ihatul hasanah) for patients, employees, and people at large; and thirdly as an instrument for taking care of environmental health. Novelty - The study suggests transcendental and social accountability in the management of waqf assets as a trust worthiness from God. Type of Paper Empirical Keywords: Transcendental; Social; Accountability; Post-Phenomenology; Tawhid. JEL Classification: A13, M14, M41.


Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise

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