1. Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Tanjungpura, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hadari Nawawi, 78124, Pontianak, Indonesia
Objective – This study examines the effect of mediating work pressure on the relationship between the quality of work life and the desire to leave of millennial employees.
Methodology/Technique – The highest portion of the workforce in Indonesia in 2016 is the millennial generation, which comprises around 62.5 million people. Millennials possess different attitudes, characteristics and skills than the Baby Boomer generation. Millennial employees are perceived to look for the value of work to improve the quality of work life rather than financial benefits. Organizations must understand the character of millennial employees to gain the best talents.
Findings – The findings of the study show that quality of work life has a negative and significant effect on work stress. Meanwhile, work stress has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave. Finally, the quality of work life has a negative and significant effect on intention to leave.
Research Limitations / Implications – This study concludes that work stress mediates the relationship between the quality of work life and intention to leave. This study concludes that quality of work life is very important for low work stress and reducing the intention to leave among millennial employees.
Novelty – These findings expand upon existing research related to the quality of work life, work stress and turnover intention and provides recommendations for organizations to retain millennial employees.
Type of Paper: Empirical.
Keywords: Millennial; Quality of Work Life; Work Stress; Intention to Leave.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Komari, N.; Sulistiowati. 2019. Factors Affecting the Intention of Millennial Workers in Indonesia to Leave, J. Bus. Econ. Review 4 (2): 83 – 89
JEL Classification: J60, J61, J69.
Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise
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