Uncovering English Learning Self-Efficacy: Evidence From the Chinese Senior High School Students


Zheng WenjingORCID,Liu* HonggangORCID


<p style="text-align: justify;">Understanding the level of English learning self-efficacy (ELS) and its influencing factors is significant for cultivating students’ self-confidence, enhancing their initiative, and stimulating their interest in English learning. Therefore, this study focused on levels of ELS levels and influencing factors among Chinese senior high school students. A mixed-method study was conducted using self-efficacy theory: a survey was administered to 325 high school students, and semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine students. Using the General Self-efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), this paper explored the basic situation of senior high school students’ ELS. It aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What is the level of Chinese senior high school students’ ELS? and 2) What are the influencing factors related to Chinese senior high school students’ ELS? The data analysis led to the following conclusions: 1) Chinese senior high school students showed a medium ELS level; and 2) the differences between the ideal and real selves, learning experiences, academic emotions, and learning strategies influence students’ ELS.</p>


Eurasian Society of Educational Research

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