<p style="text-align: justify;">Motivation research in foreign language learning is booming, and self-determination theory (SDT) has attracted wide attention. This study used mixed methods with 410 Chinese senior high school students as participants. The study aimed to answer the following three main questions: (1) What are the levels of Chinese senior high school students’ English learning motivation (ELM)? (2) Do the students’ ELM levels differ by gender? (3) What are the influencing factors of the students’ ELM? The following conclusions were drawn from the data analysis. First, the participants had a median level of ELM. Second, their ELM was more inclined towards self-determination. Third, girls’ levels of intrinsic regulation and identified regulation were significantly higher than those of boys. Fourth, anxiety and negative peer influence were two factors that contributed to a decline the students’ ELM. Cooperative learning and teacher support could improve students’ intrinsic learning motivation. The satisfaction of these three basic psychological needs promoted the internalization of external motivation. Based on the above findings, we offer the three following insights: it is crucial to maintain students’ autonomous ELM level; it is imperative to create a relaxed and positive classroom atmosphere; and teachers should try to meet students’ basic psychological needs.</p>
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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