<p>The fundamental challenge in implementing inclusive schools is related to accepting students with special needs by other students. Lack of acceptance and respect for differences often trigger acts of bullying. There are insufficient studies describing that the perpetrator of bullying in school is a student with special needs. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of the educare program in improving students' pro-social attitudes to prevent bullying in inclusive schools. The Educare Program consisted of four lesson plan themes and became a treatment instrument. Single subject research (SSR) was used for the research method, implementing the baseline-intervention-maintenance (AB+M) phase with multiple baselines across subjects. Three students, including a student with a disability and a low pro-social attitude, were the subjects of this study. The data were collected through observation and analyzed through graphical visual inspection focusing on trend, level, latency, and percentage of all non-overlapping data (PAND). The results of the study presented in polygon graphs and PAND showed that the Educare Program is very effective in increasing students' pro-social attitudes. Almost all scores of pro-social attitudes obtained through trend with PAND reached 96.11%.</p>
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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