Hate Speech and the Gender Perspective: A Problem from the Teaching of Social Sciences in School


Marolla-Gajardo JesúsORCID,Zurita-Garrido FelipeORCID,Pinochet-Pinochet SixtinaORCID,Castro-Palacios GuillermoORCID


<p style="text-align: justify;">This study explores a socially relevant problem related to teachers' conceptions of hate speech from a gender perspective present in the discourse of teaching history and social science educational practices. The methodology was used within the paradigm with a case study design, as a generalization was not intended. The sample consisted of 80 professors of history and social sciences. A quantitative questionnaire was used to determine the conceptions of the participants. The main findings include the constraints placed by programs and curricula on the presence of hate speech, student interventions in classes, and strategies implemented by participating teachers to position counter-narratives to hate in their practice. The conclusions include the importance teachers place on analyzing the prevalence of hate speech in their practice, both by students and the media, and its impact on teaching. In addition, the results offer some educational insights and perspectives for positioning hate speech as a transformative social justice perspective.</p>


Eurasian Society of Educational Research



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