Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the accuracy and reliability of numerous skeletal analyses for determining the sagittal skeletal pattern.
Methods: A total of 105 cephalometric x-rays were used. The Steiner’s ANB angle, anteroposterior dysplasia indicator (APDI), and angle of convexity by Down’s assessed the anteroposterior skeletal pattern. According to the diagnostic results of the majority of the criteria, the samples were divided into three classes: I, II, and III. The analyses' validity and reliability were assessed using Kappa statistics, positive predictive value, and sensitivity.
Results: There was a moderate agreement between the ANB angle and the final diagnosis (K= 0.593). The ANB angle demonstrated the highest sensitivity in class II and III groups (1.00).
Conclusions: The ANB angle and down's angle of convexity was the most accurate markers for class I and III groups, respectively, while the Down's angle of convexity and APDI were the most accurate indicators for class III group.
Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani - Part A