1. Batman İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü
Objective: This study aims to reveal the difficulties experienced by emergency health care workers in Batman province while providing emergency health services in the face of disasters and measure their level of knowledge about disaster and disaster awareness. Materials and Methods: The study is of the descriptive type and includes 174 volunteers among 182 health care workers working under the chief physician of 112 Provincial Ambulance Service. The data were collected with the survey created in parallel with the literature. Results: Of the 174 volunteers, 43.7% were male, and 56.3% were female. It seems that the participants were previously exposed to epidemics (37.6%), earthquakes (30.6%), and terrorist assaults (11.1%). When asked about the disaster education status, 48.3% of the participants thought that the education they received would be effective in the case of a disaster, and 46.6% thought it would be partially effective. To the question “did you find yourself sufficient in serving the disaster victims mentioned above,” 58.3% of the workers who thought the disaster training would be effective, 32.1% who thought the disaster training would be partially effective, and 33.3% who thought the disaster training would be ineffective responded as they felt self-efficient in response. Participants who thought the disaster education they received would be effective had the highest rate of self-efficacy in responding to disaster victims. Conclusion: In all provinces, especially in Batman where the study was conducted, all emergency health care workers' levels of disaster awareness and disaster knowledge should be tested and all necessary education should be given. The education received should be strengthened with regular exercises with the participation of all emergency health care workers and updated by working on the missing details.
Association for Standardization and Accreditation in Paramedic Education
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