Linking BrIM to BMS for bridges – concepts


Aas-Jakobsen Ketil1,Hawryszków Paweł2,Joshi Sachidanand3,Berton Edouard4,lsailovic Dusan5,Hohberg J.-Martin6


1. Dr. Ing. A. Aas-Jakobsen AS, Oslo, Norway

2. Dr. Eng., Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Eng., Wrocław, Poland

3. UBMS Research Group, Mumbai, India

4. Dr. Eng., Cerema Transport lnfrastructures and Materials, Champs-sur-Marne, France

5. Dr. Eng., University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

6. lUB Engineering AG, Berne, Switzerland


<p>Bridge lnformation Model (BrlM} is currently replacing drawings as main deliverable in new bridge project. Several use cases for BrlM over its lifetime is identified, as well as a discussion of the use case potential. Use cases include, but are not limited to, linking Bridge Management Systems (BMS} and BrlM, handling inspection data, visualizing inspection results and damage, tracking maintenance actions and structural changes. lt may also serve for the analysis of residual strength, as digital twin in structural health monitoring (conditional maintenance} and as risk-based decision-making tool for the allocation of resources.</p><p>Thus, this paper will form a basis for updates of relevant lFC classes in the BrlM data structure to facilitate seamless communication between BrlM and BMS systems. Thereby the grossly different level of detail in BrlM (individual objects}, GlS (road network} and BMS (asset portfolio}, the data aggregation and drill-down, and the portability of existing data collections are major concerns.</p>


International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)







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