Bragadin Gianni Luigi,Mancini Maurizio Luca
<p>The environmental reclamation of the terminal tract of Ravenna Candiano channel requires high improvement in quality characteristics of water, greatly polluted by harbour activity residues, by many outlets of urban drainage system, and by short replacement capacity supplied by tides in head channel at 12 Km from Adriatic sea. As firstly required the project provides to intercept sewers drainage systems, now carrying inside the "lake", and to convey these to discharge in Candiano, down a new embankment. In a second time Port Authority imposed as necessary the maintenance of port activity in head channel and a second option has been proposed, based on two stormwater tanks. The project is described in term of civil and electromechanics works and it is discussed such in treatment efficiency as in environmental impact. The present paper give a description of provided works and presents results in modelling forecasted effects on ecosystem level.</p>
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)
Reference3 articles.
1. BRAGADIN G.L., and MANCINI M.L., "A dynamical model for prediction of lagoon water quality applied to renaturalization of Ravenna Candiano Channel", Proceed. Intern. Symp.on Sanitary & Environmental Engineering, SIDISA, Trento 18 -23 sept 2000 vol I, pp.209-216
2. BRAGADIN G.L., MANCINI M.L., and TURCHETTO A., "Wastewater discharge by estuarine transition flow and thermoaline conditioning in shore habitat near Cesenatico breakwaters", Proceed. of the Fifth International Conference on Coastal Structures, Venice. July 2-4, 2007.(vol.II,pp.1101-1112). SINGAPORE COPYRIGHT 2009: World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd. ISBN: 978-981-4280-99-0.
3. MANCINI M.L., "Discharge, in coastal seawater, of treated wastewater from Riccione WWTP by estuarine transition flow", Intern.Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineeering, SIDISA, Taormina (CT) 23-26 Jun 2004. pp.69/1-69/8. La Nuovagrafica CT
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