1. Wind tunnel studies with regard to the aerodynamic stability of the planned bridge cross section as well as estimation of the static aerodynamic force coefficients and the vibrations by gusts of the bridge deck. Results report - feasibility study on 2017 January 20, 24 pages. (Unpublished). Wacker Ingenieure, Germany. Link: http://www.wacker-ingenieure.de [cited 2017 May 30].
2. Fire protection concept cable bridge Kaponiggraben.Report No .: 14160487 on 2016 November29. (Unpublished).Engineering office IBS Technisches Büro Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung in Austria.Link: http://www.ibs-austria.at [cited 2017 May 30].
3. Cooperative Partnership THE BOND inAustria in 2017.Contact: james@the-bond.eu Link: http://www.the-bond.eu [cited in advance].
4. Expertise on the determination of the wind velocities in the Kaponiggraben area.Wind expertise Kaponiggraben from 2016 December 21.No.: 2016/ KF/ 002971. (Unpublished). ZAMG Zentralanstalt für Meterologie und Geodymik.Link: http://www.zamg.ac.at [cited 2017 May 30]
5. Founding conditions Kaponiggraben - foot and cycle path bridge.