1. H. Umemura and H. Aoyama, "Examples of earthquake damage and analytical study of reinforced concrete structures" (in Japanese), Collected Papers for the 50th Anniversary of the Great Kwanto Earthquake, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, September 1973, pp. 369-389.
2. M. A. Sozen and H. Aoyama, "Uses of observation in earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete," W. J. Hall (ed.), Structural and Geotechnical Mechanics - A Volume Honoring Nathan M. Newmark, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1977, pp. 305-332.
3. H. Aoyama, T. Endo, and T. Minami, "Behavior of reinforced concrete frames subjected to reversal of horizontal forces," Proceedings of Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 1966, Tokyo, Japan, October 1966, pp. 315-320.
4. V. Bertero and B. Bresler, "Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete framed structures," Proceedings of the Fourth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 1969, Vol. I, pp. (B-2) l 09-124.
5. H. Aoyama and T. Sugano, "A generalized inelastic analysis of reinforced concrete structures based on the tests of members," Recent Researches of Structural Mechanics - Contributions in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Prof. Y. Tsuboi, Uno Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 1968, pp. 15-30.