1. MLTM, Korea Bridge Design Code, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs,ISO Classification Acceleration[cm/s2]Exceedance probabilities2010.
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3. International Standard, ISO 2631-1:1997, The International Organization forA little uncomfortable84.4502.744 X 10-7Fairy uncomfortable134.0484.767 X 10-9Uncomfortable214.4774.532 X 10-11Very uncomfortable335.1203.305 X 10-13Extremely536.193≒0 uncomfortableStandardization, 1997.
4. E.-S. Hwang, Y. C. Kwon, K. J. Park and D. Y. Kim, "Serviceability Assessment ofDeflection for Long Span Suspension Bridge," 2014 KIBSE Annual Meeting and Conference, pp 129 - 130, 2014.
5. MLIT, Korean Bridge Design Code (Limit State Design), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2015.