1. PAULTRE, P.; PROULX, J.; BEGIN, T.; CARBONNEAU, C. Étude expérimentale et analytique du comportement dynamique du pont suspendu de Beaultarnois. Conference on Cable-Stayed and Suspension Bridges, Deauville, France, 12-15 October 1994.
2. PROULX, J.; PAULTRE, P. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction for a Large Gravity Dam. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, (accepted for publication).
3. FOK, K. L., HALL, J. F.; CHOPRA, A.K. EACD-3D, A Computer Program for Three-Dimensional Earthquake A nalysis of Concrete Dams. Report UCB/EERC-86/09. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, 1986.
4. PAULTRE, P.; PROULX, J. Dynamic Tests of the Tower of the Montreal Olympic Stadium (in French). Research Report SMS-94/05, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, PO, Canada, 1994.