Ship collision with bridges


Larsen Ole Damgaard


<p>Any struoture in navigable waters constitutes a hazard to shipping and is itself vulnerable to damage or destruction in the event of vessel collision. Worldwide vessel traffic and the average size of vessels continue to lncrease. At the same time, ever more bridges crossing navigable waterways are being planned and constructed, sometimes with inadequate navigation clearance and/or lnadequate protection.<p> The objective of this publication is to provide information and guidelinesfor engineers charged with the planning and design of new bridges, navlgation channels, and prevention and protection measures. Lt offers advice on up­grading and retrofrtting existing bridges and navigation channels. And lt provides the means to evaluate the safety of bridges, vessels, persons and the environment. <p>After reviewing some basics o! navigatlon and vessel traffic, and consider­ing risk acceptance and collision risk, the publication examines vessel impact forces on bridges and proposes appropriate bridge design criteria. Prevention measures, such as regulations and management systems. And protectlon measures and systems are also described. Major international research projects have provided the analytical basis for the publication, including the development of vessel collision guide specifi­c-atrons for the Federal Highway Administration in the USA and the vessel colllsion design crrteria developed for the Great Bell Crossing in Oenmark. <p>Prepared by Ole Damgaard LARSEN, Chairman of the IABSE Working Group "Ship Collision with Bridges'', lhis 132 page publlcation is a must for any engineer dealing with structures in navigable waters.


International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)







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