1. 1 Eden Dahlstrom, D. Christopher Brooks, and Jacqueline Bichsel, "The Current Ecosystem of Learning Management Systems in Higher Education: Student, Faculty, and IT Perspectives," EDUCAUSE Research Report, (Louisville, CO, 2014): 5, http://www.educause.edu/ecar.
2. 2 Ibid., 8.
3. 3 Ibid., 11.
4. 4 Larry Johnson, Samantha Adams Becker, Michele Cummins, Victoria Estrada, Alex Freeman, and C. Hall, "NMC Horizon Report: 2016 Higher Education Edition," (Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium): 18-19, http://cdn.nmc.org/media/2016-nmc-horizon-report-he-EN.pdf.
5. 5 Ibid., 14.