Risal Ajay,Sharma Pushpa Prasad
Introduction: Consultation-liaison psychiatry is an upcoming field dealing with interdepartmental collaboration heading into multidisciplinary and holistic care. In general hospital setting, psychiatrists need to be involved in evaluation of patients referred from other specialties. This study analyzed the psychiatric morbidity among the inpatients referred to Psychiatry Department from different wards in a Tertiary care University Teaching Hospital.
Methods: Total 385 subjects were referred to the Department of Psychiatry from different wards during a period of one year. Each of them underwent a detailed psychiatric evaluation by a consultant psychiatrist once they were medically stable. Psychiatric diagnosis was considered as per International Classification of Disease-10 criteria.
Results: The mean age of the subjects evaluated was 37.26 (±1.86); most of them were females 216 (56.4%), married 287 (74.5%), and homemaker 159 (41.3%). Maximum 271 (70.4%) referral was from Medical ward, and most of them 292 (75.8%) were admitted in general bed. The most common medical diagnosis was self-poisoning 115 (30.6%) followed by alcoholic liver disease 49 (12.7%); while the commonest 123 (31.9%) psychiatric diagnosis was depression (including Dysthymia and Adjustment disorder). Depression remained the commonest diagnosis among those referred from medical ward 131 (34.7%); while anxiety was mostly found in the emergency referral 94 (24.5%). Significant Correlation (P <0.05) was seen between the source of referral and Psychiatric diagnosis.
Conclusions: Psychiatric consultation was sought mostly by medical ward that had maximum number of patients presenting with self-poisoning. The commonest diagnosis seen in the referred in-patients was depression and anxiety disorder.
Keywords: consultation-liaison psychiatry; in-patient referral; psychiatric morbidity.
Journal of Nepal Medical Association (JNMA)
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