Quadriceps tendon rupture usually occurs in adults and is rare in children. A six-year-old boy was playing at home and had a fall. He was unable to extend his right knee but there was no gap felt over the patella tendon or quadriceps. He was first seen by a family doctor and presented late to the surgeon three months after the injury. Radiographs and ultrasound were performed. The magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the findings of partial quadriceps tear. The patient was put in a cylinder case with the knee in extension for two months. Six months post-injury, he regained full range of motion without any complications. We present an unusual case of partial quadriceps tear in an otherwise healthy six-year-old boy that was treated successfully despite a delayed presentation. Besides a high index of suspicion, magnetic resonance imaging is a good modality to detect partial quadriceps tear in children.
Journal of Nepal Medical Association (JNMA)
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