Ghimire Bikal,Khan MI,Bibhusal T,Singh Y,Sayami P
Breast lump is a very sensitive issue for the patient so a reliable, non invasive and prompt diagnosishelps to lessen the associated anxiety and leads to early definitive treatment. The aim of this studywas to evaluate the acuracy of Triple Test Score (TTS) as a clinical tool for the diagnosis of a palpablebreast lump. This diagnostic test study was carried out in the Department of Surgery of TribhuvanUniversity Teaching Hospital. Of the 117 patients admitted with breast diseases from the breastclinic over thirteen months, 87 had breast lump. Fifty patients underwent Triple Test Score ( physicalexamination, mammography and fine needle aspiration cytology) and were categorized into benign,suspicious and malignant. This was later correlated with the histopathological findings. Nineteenpatients with breast lumps interpreted by TTS as benign correlated with the histopathologicalfindings whereas of 31 malignant lumps, 30 turned out to be malignant and one benign. This givesTTS an over all accuracy of 98% with 100% sensitivity, 95.2% specificity and positive predictive valueof 96.7%. Carcinoma was seen in 29 (58%) cases in the age group of 35 to 70 years. The mean age atdiagnosis of benign and malignant disease was 41.8 and 45.1 years respectively. In conclusion, TTS isan accurate and least invasive diagnostic test based on which definitive treatment can be initiated.Key words : breast lump, carcinoma breast, triple test score
Journal of Nepal Medical Association (JNMA)
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