Evaluasi Suplementasi Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) terhadap Performa, Kualitas Fisik, Vitamin A


Dortiana sijung Maria,Hermana Widya,Sukria Heri Ahmad,Astuti Dewi Apri,Suci D M


This study aimed to evaluate the supplementation of moringa flour (Moringa oleifera L.) on the performance of KUB chickens as well as the physical quality, vitamin A and cholesterol of the eggs. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), with 4 treatments of moringa flour supplementation (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) and 6 replications. The measured variables were performance, physical quality, egg vitamin A content and egg cholesterol content. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further tested with Duncan's multiple range test. The rearing duration was 3 months, using a total of 96 24-week-old KUB chickens. The results showed that supplementation of moringa leaf flour up to 15% in feed had no significant effect on production performance or the vitamin A and cholesterol content of eggs, but it significantly increased the egg yolk color score. It can be concluded that the supplementation of 10% moringa leaf flour provides the lowest feed conversion and has higher income/income over feed cost values compared to the control. Key words:        cholesterols, KUB chicken, performance, physical quality, vitamin A


Institut Pertanian Bogor

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