Al Muhamadi Salman,Arifin Mohammad Haekal Zen,Purwanto William Andanu,Fauziah Shabrina Putri,Muzadi Akbar Dicky,Etriya Etriya
Azolla is beneficial for sustainable farming as a feed source, biofertilizer, and phytoremediator. This plant is potentially produced in Temuguruh Village, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, which has a youth organization whose members have an average of 20 hours of free time per week. This community service program aims to educate the youths in Temuguruh Village regarding the utilization and cultivation of Azolla, which may help them to be more productive. This program applied the participatory approach and participatory communication, encouraging the youths (as the partners of this program) to be more proactive in participating in this program by using a community as a media outlet, namely This program develops the skills of the members in the cultivation, utilization, and marketing of Azolla. Furthermore, the participatory approach and communication encourage members to actively participate in learning within the community. may follow up this program by partnering with other local communities, such as the fish farming community (Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan).
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