Cahyadi Danang Dwi,Asfarian Auzi,Nurhidayat ,Nisa' Chairun,Supratikno ,Novelina Savitri,Setijanto Heru,Agungpriyono Srihadi
Cadaveric dissection method is classical learning method as well as the gold standard for veterinary students to learn anatomy. However, development of alternative methods is needed since ethical issues of animal use has become challenge in veterinary anatomy education. The need for innovation is increasingly relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Implementation of the cutting-edge virtual reality (VR) technology can provide positive impacts in distance education. Therefore, establishment of VR-based animal anatomy learning system could answer the need, not only in this physical distancing-required situation but also for future veterinary education in Indonesia. In addition, understanding the key concerns and interdisciplinary collaboration will be needed in the establishment of the comprehensive VR-based veterinary anatomy learning system.
General Health Professions