Determinan Keputusan Petani Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan dalam Penerapan IP 200 di Kabupaten Muara Enim


Febi Arianti Triana,Adriani Dessy,Aryani Desi


The increasing of cropping index (IC) in rainfed fields contributed to the increased of rice production and supporting food availablity. In general, cropping index of paddy in rainfed fields only a year period (IP 100) can be increased to twice a year (IP 200). The increasing of IC from once to twice a year is the opportunity for rice farmers to increase their income. However, there are still obstacles, so that IC 200 has not applied by all of rice farmers yet. The purposes of this research are to compare production and income of rice farmers who apply IC 200 and didn't apply IP 200, to identify and to analyze the factors affecting the decision of rice farmers to apply IC 200. This study was conducted in Muara Enim Regency. The methodology that was used is the method survey. The sampling method of the research used is disproportionated stratified random sampling, with each level of stratification represented by the 50 farmers who applyed IC 200 and 50 farmers who didn't apply IC 200. The result, showed that rice production and farmer income who appled IC 200 on first season about 6.171 Kg/Ha/Season, with income about IDR 19.031.896 /Ha/Season and on second season rice production about 4.382 /Kg/Ha/Season with income about IDR 15.181.211 /Ha/Season on the other side, rice production and farmer income who didn’t apply IC 200 about 6.006 Kg/Ha/yr with income about IDR 17.448.017 /Ha/Yr. Factors that positevely affect of the decision of the farmers to apply IC 200 are income, education and experiences. While the members of the family is affecting negatively to farmers decision to apply IC 200.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


General Medicine

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