Increased Growth of Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Swartz. after Giving Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Conservation


Zahrotunnisa Alfi,Setiari Nintya,Suedy Sri Widodo Agung,Nurchayati Yulita


Cymbidium ensifolium is a terrestrial orchid. Exploitation of orchids in nature causes extinction, so conversation efforts are needed, one of that efforts is ex situ conversation. The cultivation process is adapted by natural conditions, using natural material. One of organic fertilizers is liquid organic fertilizers based on coconut water and rice washing water. This research aims to studied the effect of applying liquid organic fertilizer (POC) made from coconut water and rice washing water with different concentration for growth of Cymbidiun ensifolium. This study was conducted from November 2021 to February 2022 was experimental garden used randomized block design with one factor and the concentration of POC is 0%, 15% and 30%. The method that used is ex situ, planting using polybags with soil medium: husk: husk hairy = 1:1:1 and mycoryza 5 gr. Result of ANOVA and DMRT anlysis showed that POC from coconut water and rice washing water had an effect on growth of Cymbidium ensifolium. concentration 30% of liquid organic fertilizer is optimal for shoot length, length and width leaf. The novelty of this research is use combination of coconut water and rice washing water as the basic ingredients for making fertilizer.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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