Pendapatan dan Kerentanan Petani Kopi Robusta di Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan


As-Sadili Abu Hasan,Syaukat Yusman,Falatehan Faroby


Robusta coffee is a plantation commodity that has high potential considering the trend of consumption and large production in several provinces in Indonesia, one of which is Lampung Province, but the increasing production has an impact on land use in the forest area of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) for coffee farming activities. Moreover, the pandemic that hit around the world create new challenges in this coffee farming business. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the income level of coffee farming and the vulnerability of coffee farmer families due to the Covid-19 pandemic around TNBBS, both inside and outside TNBBS. Data analysis used farm income analysis and livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) analysis. The results of this study indicate that the income of farmers in the BBSNP area is smaller, namely Rp. 9,833,453.57 while outside the TNBBS area of ​​Rp. 12,571,781.31, the R/C ratio also shows that farming outside the region is the most profitable. Differences in the distance of farmers' land within the area and outside the area contributed greatly to this difference in number. The vulnerability of farming families inside and outside TNBBS is low to moderate in both LVI and LVI calculations considering the IPCC definition. Inadequate livelihood strategies and social networks in some farming households contributed to the LVI figures resulting from the analysis.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


General Medicine

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