Dampak Kemitraan Closed Loop Terhadap Pendapatan dan Efisiensi Usahatani Cabai


Yanuar Rahmat,Tinaprilla Netti,Rachmania Meuthia,Harti Heri


The issue of an imbalance in demand and supply of red chili and fluctuating red chili prices have initiated the Ministry of Economy, especially the Deputy for Food and Agribusiness Coordination, to implement a pilot of closed loop partnership model. The partnership is a form of cooperation that is beneficial for parties who have agreed, usually, partnerships are formed and carried out between parties who have agreed and have been bound by an agreement, SOP, or contract. The purpose of this study is there is an impact on the income and farm efficiency of chili farmers in partnership with non-partner farmers in Garut and Sukabumi Regency?. The data analysis carried out includes qualitative data analysis methods that are described descriptively in the analysis of farm performance. The quantitative analysis method used farm income analysis, income and cost comparison analysis (R/C Ratio), and different test analyses to determine the level of efficiency of chili farming commodities by partner and non-partner farmers in Garut and Sukabumi Regency. The results of this study indicate that the profit of closed loop chili farming is more profitable (IDR89.889.654/ha/season with R/C=2,06). Although the productivity and quality of chili produced by closed loop farmers (8,691 tons/ha) is relatively similar to non-closed loop farmers (8,491 tons/ha), it can be seen that the price received by closed loop farmers is higher (IDR15.457/kg) compared to the price received by non-closed loop farmers (IDR11.998/kg). The closed loop partnership model can be considered to have a positive impact on the income and efficiency of chili farming.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


General Medicine








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