Bondar Olena,Lazko Olga,Kolos Mykola,Rychok Tetiana,Maslova Olena,Pokropyvnyi Oleksandr
Topicality. As a result of attempts to find out the reasons for the physical health deterioration of mature age women over the past decades, experts have come to the conclusion that a wide range of socio-economic and environmental factors have a negative impact on the health of this category of the population. Another important determinant, in the experts` oppinion, is the adverse, exhausting effect of diets on the female body. However, in the authors` opinion, this situation is primarily due to an unhealthy lifestyle, an inconsistent change of work and rest, and most importantly, a lack of properly selected physical activity. The Research Purpose is to determine the factor structure of the posture biogeometric profile of women aged 36–39 and 40–45. Participants. Tweny-eight 36–39-year-old and respectively twenty-one 40–45-year-old women took part in the study. The research was conducted in compliance with the requirements of the WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. The Research Methods. Theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical experiment and statistical methods have been used during the study. The Results of the Work. It was established that the first factor involves the indicators of middle adulthood women`s posture biogeometric profile, namely, the chronological stage of 36–39 year-old women, such as: trunk inclination angle (α2), thoracic kyphosis (distance l1), knee joint angle (α3), lumbar lordosis (distance l3), and the second factor reflects: head tilt angle (α1), upper arms symmetry (α5), symmetry of the lower angles of the scapulas (α6). Findings. The change in the factor structure of the biogeometric profile is the result of the reaction and/or compensation of the neuromuscular disorders. Thus, the analysis of human postural deviations should allow for the assessment of musculoskeletal disorders and should be useful for the further corrective and preventive measures procedures.
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
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