Чинники ризику травм плеча в ігрових видах спорту


Babenko Yana,Bilous Victoria,Yezhova Olha


The Topicality of the Research Topic. Sports-related shoulder injuries and pain are a serious burden for athletes involved in sports that stress the shoulder. For game sports, there are many debatable issues regarding risk factors for sports injuries and ways to prevent them in connection with specific physical loads. The Purpose of the Article: to analyze and systematize the risk factors of sports injuries of the shoulder for further research into the problem of prevention of sports injuries in game sports. Research Material and Methods. For analysis, scientific sources were considered and selected based on the PRISMA approach, which includes the following stages: research question, search for scientific sources, their selection according to defined criteria, evaluation of selected scientific sources, and synthesis of information. Research Results. Analysis of the causes of sports injuries of the shoulder allows us to state that most often the injury occurs due to specific sports techniques in game sports and errors in the construction of the training process and organization of competitions. To systematize the risk factors of sports injuries, their division into external and internal is most often used. To prevent sports injuries, it is necessary to understand which risk factors can be controlled. For this purpose, based on the K.Mine model of risk factors for sports injuries in baseball, we have developed a similar model for game sports. It is proposed to distinguish modified (organizational, biomechanical, and socio-psychological) and unmodified (anatomic-physiological and personal) domains with corresponding risk factors for sports shoulder injuries. Conclusions. In domestic scientific sources, the external risk factors of sports injuries, especially those of a methodological and organizational nature, are widely analyzed. In foreign studies, considerable attention is paid to both external and internal risk factors. The vast majority of foreign researchers in the prevention of sports injuries focus on the study of unmodified factors. To develop preventive measures in game sports, we have developed our model of risk factors for shoulder sports injuries with five domains: organizational, biomechanical, social-psychological, anatomical-physiological, and personal.


Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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