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2. Kashuba V., Aloshina, A., Bichuk, O., Lazko, O., Khabinets, T., Rudenko, Yu. (2017). Characteristics of the microergonomics of the «human-computer» system as a way of rethinking the development of corrective and prophylactic approaches to the right of various biomechanical straightness [Characteristics of the microergonomics of the «human-computer» system, as peredumov, the development of corrective and preventive approaches from the right to varying biomechanical directivity]. Youth Scientific Bulletin of the Schidno-European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, 28, 17-27 (in Ukrainian).
3. Kashuba, V. O., Grigus, I. M., Rudenko, Yu. V. (2023). The camp of a space organization for the development of a mature age: a weekly note of today [The camp of a spacious organization of the body of a mature age: a commentary of today]. Influence of physical culture and sports on the formation of an individual healthy lifestyle: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 56-68. https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-26- 280-7-3 (in Ukrainian).
4. Lazko, O. (2021). Factors leading to the risk of damage to the cystic-mucosal system in women of the industrial age under the influx of negative officials in the working environment [Factor risk blame for the destruction of the cystic-mucosal system in women of the labor age under the influx of negative officials in the working environment]. Sports Bulletin of Prydniprovya, 2, 75-84 (in Ukrainian).
5. Lazko, O., Bondar O., Lutsky V., Kurilyuk S., Leshchak O. (2022). Structure and technology of correction of damage to the bone-malignant system of women 36-45 years of age for health-improving fitness [Structure and zm_st technology of correction of the destruction of the bone-m'yazovoy system of women aged 36-45 due to health-improving fitness]. Physical culture, sport and healthy nation, 13(32), 324-35. https://doi.org/10.31652/ 2071-5285-2022-13(32)-324-335 (in Ukrainian).