Динаміка показників рівня стану біогеометричного профілю постави в жінок зрілого віку під впливом засобів і методів програми профілактично-оздоровчих занять


Asauliuk Inna,Kozlovska Svitlana,Pokropyvnyi Oleksandr


Topicality. There are numerous interrelationships between functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and indicators of physical condition that are presented in the special scientific and methodical literature. The negative impact of the musculoskeletal system disoders on the health state is also indicated. The Purpose of the Research is to determine the dynamics of indicators of the mature women`s biogeometric profile of the posture under the influence of means and methods of preventive and health-improving author`s program. 14 women in the second middle age took part in the research. The following Research Methods have been used in the study, sucj as theoretical analysis, photography and posture analysis, as well as pedagogical and mathematical methods. The Research Results. The actual confirmation of the author`s program effectiveness alowed to evaluate the changes that would prove certain transformations in the biogeometric profile of the posture. Findings. After the completion of the sequentially transforming experiment, only 7,1 % of studied people of the experiment have showed signs of a low level of the biogeometric posture profile, while the rest of the people demonstrated results that corresponded to the average (78,6 %), and in some cases to 14,3 % showing a high level of this profile. The expressiveness of the generalized indicators according to the map of the biogeometric posture profile visual screening is indicated that according to the medians, their growth was recorded on average by 5 points in the sagittal plane (U = 18,5; p<0,01), by 3 points in the frontal plane (U=49; p<0,05) and by an average of 6 points by the integral index (U=9; p<0,01). And such data are adequate evidence that during the period of direct participation of women aged 39–40 in the practical testing within the author program`s, there was a significant increase in the level of the biogeometric profile of their posture.


Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

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