Bodnar Ivanna,Slimakovskyi Oleg,Huk Anna
Topicality. Today, the New Ukrainian School was introduced, and with it, inclusive education. The importance of providing high-quality educational services for schoolchildren is growing. Scientific research devoted to the fundamental aspects of inclusive physical education appears to be insufficient. The Purpose of the work is to establish a rating of factors that prevent the effective organization of the physical education process in inclusive classes of general secondary education institutions; to find out which approaches are important for physical education in inclusive classrooms to be effective. Methods. A survey of physical education teachers (n=73) was conducted. Consistency of respondents’ answers was determined using Kendall’s concordance coefficient. The Results. Among the main problems are the imperfection of the legislative framework, the lack of proper content of the program material, limited access to methodical support for inclusive physical education lessons. It is also necessary to solve the problems associated with ignoring the motivation of students and the low level of children’s physical condition. Problems also arise as a result of the mismatch of human resources with modern needs. The lack of objective information about the health and physical development of schoolchildren, an imperfect system of medical and pedagogical control, in particular, incorrect criteria for dividing students of inclusive classes into groups make it difficult to form homogeneous groups in an inclusive class. Teachers need support from specialists in the field of medicine and rehabilitation. Conclusions. The survey of teachers confirms the presence of numerous obstacles in the physical education of students in inclusive classes. The introduction of the position of a rehabilitation teacher can significantly increase the effectiveness of physical education lessons in inclusive classes. In order for the physical education lesson in inclusive classes to be effective, it is important to divide the class into homogeneous groups that are small in number of participants depending on the level of children’s abilities and for each of them to adapt the means and differentiate the volume and intensity of the load. Modification of equipment for students with special educational needs is rational.
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
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