Оцінка ефективності підходів до побудови етапу спеціалізованої базової підготовки в рукопашному бою


Radchenko Yuri


Topicality. The rational construction of the training process involves its strict focus on the formation of the optimal structure of competitive activity. The stage of specialized basic training occupies a special place in the training program of athletes, where the emphasis is placed on the disciplines and types of programs for professional preparing athletes in the future. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of special scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, conversations, surveys and questionnaires of trainers, generalization of the best professional experience and practices. Research Results. The issue of structure and content improvement of the educational and training process at various stages of the long-term training of athletes is not new, but it is clearly urgent. That is why at the current stage of hand-to-hand combat (HTH) development, it is especially important to solve the issue of the training program improvement at the basic training stage, which is highly decisive for the athletes` choice of the discipline and type of program. Conclusions. It has been established that the specialized basic training stage is decisive for the future athletes` professional preparation, the choice of the discipline and the type of program which they will use in the future. The lack of program recommendations at sports schools` documents that are based on general theoretical provisions and tasks, leads to errors in the training procedure construction and a decrease in its effectiveness. Building an optimal training athlete` program is possible on the basis of correcting and changing sports schools` training program, applying the latest methods, tools and management technologies, taking into account the features that characterize the third stage of multi-year improvement.


Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

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