Asauliuk Inna,Demiokhin Dmytro
Topicality. The issue of preserving the mature women health is a global one. Sientific knowledge, represented in a research studies on problems related to health, reflects the understanding of the latter in the plane of the human body spatial organization, taking into account the reality of the new millennium. Scholars note that the highest rate of morbidity amid diseases of the circulatory system, the second place is occupied by diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The reserch purpose is to determine the socio-pedagogical structure of the personality and the most frequent violations of the womens` posture aged 36-40. The following research methods as theoretical analysis, photography and posture analysis, pedagogical and mathematical methods have been used over the study. The research results. The vast majority of women, namely 81.81%, taking part in the ascertainment experiment, have a diploma of higher education, 31.81% of women have officially married, 31.81% are in a civil marriage, 27.29% have divorced, 9.09% have never married. By social status, women were distributed as follows: 27.26% are employees of commercial structures, 22.74% are private entrepreneurs, 27.26% are office workers and 22.74% – housewives. Considering the social status of women with their differentiation by age groups, such following data have been obtained: among women aged 36–37, 20.0% are employees of commercial structures, 20.0% are entrepreneurs, 30.0% – office workers, 30.0% – housewives; among women aged 38–40, 33.33% are employees of commercial structures, 25.0% are entrepreneurs, 25.0% are office workers, 16.67% – housewives. Findings. It was found that among women aged 36-37 years, 23.08% demonstrate a healthy type of posture, 38.46% of women have got a scoliotic posture, and 38.46% – a kyphosis type; among women 38-40 years old, 16.67% have a healthy type of posture, 38.88% – a scoliotic posture, and 44.44% – a kyphosis type of posture.
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
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