Objective: The present study aimed to measure fecal and urinary phosphorus (P) excretion from pigs and to develop prediction models for P excretion of pigs.Methods: A total of 96 values for P excretions were obtained from pigs of 15 to 93 kg body weight (BW) fed 12 diets in four experiments and were used to develop the prediction models. All experimental diets contained exogenous phytase at 500 phytase units per kg. Body weight of pigs and dietary P concentrations were used as independent variables in the prediction models.Results: The BW, feed intake, and P intake were positively correlated with total (fecal plus urinary) P excretions (r = 0.80, 0.91, and 0.94, respectively; p<0.001). The models for estimating P excretion were: fecal P excretion (g/d) = –0.654–0.000618×BW2+0.273×BW ×dietary P concentration (R2 = 0.83; p<0.001); urinary P excretion (g/d) = 0.045+ 0.00781×BW×dietary P concentration (R2 = 0.15; p<0.001); total P excretion (g/d) = –0.598–0.000613×BW2+0.280×BW×dietary P concentration (R2 = 0.86; p<0.001) where the BW of pigs and dietary P concentration are expressed as kg and % (as-fed basis), respectively. Based on the developed prediction models, the estimated annual fecal, urinary, and total P excretion for a market pig was 1.24, 0.09, and 1.33 kg/yr, respectively.Conclusion: The P excretions in market pigs can be estimated using BW of pigs and dietary P concentration. In the present model, a market pig excretes 1.24 kg of fecal P and 0.09 kg of urinary P per year.
Rural Development Administration
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies