Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
Reference7 articles.
1. 1) Sano, A. Izumi, N. Matsubara, N. Fujikubo, M., 2017, Estimation of the elastic buckling strength of a non-spherical tank in the partially filled condition, ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2017-61397
2. 2) Sano, A. Fujikubo, M., 2020, Buckling Strength of a Non-Spherical Tank in the Partially Filled Condition -Estimation of the reduction factor due to initial shape imperfection-, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.32, pp 117-128.
3. 佐野敦司,藤久保昌彦:部分積み時の非真球タンクの座屈強度に関する研究-第1報:形状初期不整による座屈強度低下率の推定法の開発-,日本船舶海洋工学会論文集,第32号, pp 117-128, 2020.
4. 3) Koiter, W. T., 1969, The nonlinear buckling pressure of a complete spherical shell under uniform eternal pressure, I, II, III and IV, Proc. Kon. Ned. Ak. Wet., B 72, pp 40-123.
5. 4) Hutchinson, J.W., 1967, Initial Post-Buckling Behavior of Toroidal Shell Segments, Int. Journal, Solids and Structures, Vol.3 (1967)