Aguila Jenny Rose S.,Marasigan Nora V.
This study employs a descriptive-correlational design, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, to investigate the self-efficacy levels of pre-service mathematics teachers in relation to their exposure to the 5Es instructional phases. Data was gathered from 106 pre-service mathematics teachers at Batangas State University Campuses during the academic year 2020-2021 using a researcher-made questionnaire and focus group discussions. Mean, Standard deviation, Pearson r, and Thematic Analysis were used to analyze the data. The results reveal a strong correlation between pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in mathematics and their exposure to the 5Es instructional phases. Additionally, it suggests the potential effectiveness of a researcher-made mathematics learning guide in enhancing students' self-efficacy in mathematics. This research underscores the importance of diverse learning strategies for mastering mathematical concepts, encourages instructors to innovate and adapt their instructional practices based on the 5Es model to enhance students' self-efficacy in mathematics, and calls for future research to explore additional factors that influence students' self-efficacy when exposed to 5Es instructional phases.
Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
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