1. The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Virginia.
Following Vincent van Gogh's death in 1890, numerous physicians have offered diagnostic opinions regarding his still unverified illness. The discovery that he had ingested leaded oil paints prompted research that revealed his exposure to additional sources of lead and other toxic substances for 13 years before death. His complaints, derived from poignant letters to his brother, added compelling evidence that he had suffered neurotoxicity, encephalopathy and other consequences of lead. Vincent's suicide may have been precipitated by plumbism. Mankind has endured lead's presence for millennia, yet its destructive effects have been recognized sporadically. That symptoms of plumbism mimic other illnesses should prod a heightened index of suspicion. Had it not been for the financial and emotional support of Vincent by his brother, Theo, and the dedication of the latter's wife, Johanna, the artist's genius might never have been recognized. Widowed by the death of her husband six months after Vincent's demise, Johanna 1 remained the guardian of the painter's extraordinary artistic and literary output until critical acclaim established him as one of Europe's greatest artists. Her efforts, assisted by her son, in framing and exhibiting van Gogh's works, were crucial. She then translated and systematized his more than 750 letters to Theo, their sister, Willemien, their mother, fellow artists and others. 2
History and Philosophy of Science,Medicine (miscellaneous)
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