Actoprotective Activity of Dimethylaminoethanol Compounds Combined with Intermediates of the Citric Acid Cycle


Chistyakova E. Yu.1,Okovitiy S. V.1,Yuskovec V. N.1,Lisitskii D. S.1,Verveda A. B.2


1. Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health care of Russia

2. Scientific and Clinical Center of Toxicology named after Academician S.N. Golikov of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia


The article presents the results of evaluation of actoprotective activity of combined dimethylaminoethanol compounds containing intermediates of the citric acid cycle (L-malate, α-ketoglutarate, succinate and fumarate). The effect of long-term intragastric administration of pharmacological agents for 4 weeks at a dose of 75 mg/kg on the static, dynamic endurance, motor coordination and body weight gain of “trained” laboratory animals was assessed in comparison with reference actoprotector ethylthiobenzimidazole (25 mg/kg, intragastrically). It was found that the most promising substances for further study are alpha-ketoglutarate and succinate compounds. After 1 month of training, dynamic endurance and coordination of movements were most infl uenced by DMAE-malate (increase by 60%, p=0.011), static endurance was increased during the 2nd week by DMAE-malate (by 16%, p=0.005) and DMAE-ketoglutarate (by 15.8%, p=0.006), on the 4th week – DMAE-ketoglutarate (by 19.7%, p=0.0001) and DMAE-succinate (by 12.2%, p=0.003). A pronounced body weight increase was observed in the group receiving DMAE-ketoglutarate (by 29%, p=0.022). In general, combined compounds of dimethylaminoethanol with alpha-ketoglutarate, malate and succinate showed the highest actoprotective activity.


Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency


General Medicine

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