Mechanisms of the Cytotoxic Action of Organotin Compounds


Milaeva E. R.1,Dodokhova M. A.2,Shpakovsky D. B.1,Antonenko T. A.1,Safronenko A. V.2,Kotieva I. M.2,Komarova E. F.2,Gantsgorn E. V.2,Alkhuseyn-Kulyaginova M. S.2


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Rostov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health care of Russia


This review analyzed the literature data on the in vitro preclinical study of the cytotoxic properties of organotin compounds, as well as the main mechanisms of their action. The latter consist in interacting with SH groups of proteins, initiating oxidative stress, binding to DNA, interacting with receptors, as well as activate apoptosis by increasing the expression of caspases, proapoptotic proteins, and decreasing antiapoptotic proteins. Organotin compounds, depending on the donor ligand, exhibit specifi c cytotoxicity towards certain tumor cell lines. The high cytotoxic potential indicates the possibility of further development in vivo and research of organotin compounds as candidates for the creation of drugs for anticancer and antimetastatic therapy.


Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency


General Medicine

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