Minipigs as Preferred Laboratory Animals for Extrapolation of Biomedical Research Data to Humans


Alimkina O. V.1,Petrova N. V.1,Stankova N. V.1,Fokin Yu. V.1,Glotova E. S.1,Laryushina N. A.1,Vasil’eva I. A.1


1. Scientific Center of Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia


This article presents the results of 10-year research studies conducted using minipigs at the Scientific Center of Biomedical Technologies. Comparisons with the most significant laboratory animals are presented. Prospects for involving minipigs in various biomedical manipulations as an alternative to monkeys, whose use is restricted, are shown.


Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency

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