Normothymic Effect of Lithium Ascorbate on Biomedical Models of Pigs


Ostrenko K. S.1


1. All-Russian Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Animal Nutrition — Branch of the Federal Scientific Center of Animal Husbandry — The All-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry named after Academician L.K. Ernst


In many developed countries, pigs have long attracted attention as biological models. Pigs are emotionally unstable animals, with a low resistance to stress. In this regard, experiments with pigs as biomedical models can be used to test the long-term use of drugs and their aftereffects. In this work, we set out to test a non-invasive anti-stress drug – lithium ascorbate – for reducing the negative impact of spontaneous stress factors occurring in pigs. Prior to experiments and at six months of age, blood samples were taken from animals. Adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol and progesterone, malondialdehyde, thiol-disulfide ratio, and superoxide dismutase activity were determined in the blood plasma. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the stressors arising during the standard production cycle of raising piglets activate the system of biological active centers of pigs, thereby increasing the general reactivity of the body. The obtained experimental data on a set of endocrinological and biochemical parameters indicate that lithium ascorbate in fattening pigs has a positive effect on their antioxidant status.


Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency


General Medicine

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