Experimental pharmacokinetics of the GZK-111 drug preparation exhibiting neuroprotective activity


Podolko A. L.1,Bochkov P. O.1,Shevchenko R. V.1,Litvin A. A.1,Kolyvanov G. B.1,Zherdev V. P.1


1. Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology


We studied the pharmacokinetics of a drug preparation, ethyl ester of N-phenylacetyl-glycyl-L-proline, exhibiting neuroprotective activity and its metabolite cyclo-L-prolylglycine in rat blood plasma after a single intravenous administration at a dose of 20 mg/kg. The metabolite was found to circulate in the systemic bloodstream of animals twice as long as the ethyl ester of N-phenylacetyl-glycyl-L-proline, with its plasma concentrations being 50–70 times higher than those of the parent compound. 


Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency


General Medicine

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