Pollution of atmospheric air above the city highways.


Voloshkina Olena1ORCID,Sipakov Rostyslav2ORCID,Varavin Dmytro2ORCID,Anpilova Yevheniia3ORCID,Kryvomaz Tetiana1ORCID,Bereznitska Julia4ORCID


1. Doctor of Science, Professor at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

2. Ph.D. student at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

3. Senior Research Scientist at Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chokolivsky Boulevard, 13, Kyiv, 03087, Ukraine

4. Ph.D., Associate Professor at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine


The study is devoted to the estimation of pollution deposit caused by vehicles into the city to-tal greenhouse gases emissions and to the forecast of the secondary air pollution with formal-dehyde. The present study contains mathematic model which allows getting the estimation of vehicles emission in the total amount of polluted atmospheric air. The model consists of two intercon-nected parts: a dynamic and a kinetic one. The first part of the model is based on the Theory of Convective Jet and Thermals in the Atmosphere and allows to get the parameters of the contaminated air which is being formed over the highway. The Dynamic part of the model allows to get the total amount of hydrocarbons emission depending on the number of vehicles which is present at the same time on the highway. We also obtain the data on concentration of pollution and temperature increasing in the narrowest section of the thermal jet. The kinetic part of the model allows to determine the concentration of the secondary atmos-pheric air contamination with formaldehyde as a result of photochemical transformation of hydrocarbons which are the part of emission of internal combustion engine. The speed of the transformation reaction was determined by the Can't Hoff-Arrhenius deferential equation. The given mathematical model was tested with the help of the system of regular observation over the polluted atmospheric air in Kyiv city. The comparison of the estimated value of for-maldehyde concentration and the observation data doesn't exceed 5 % above the maximum values. According to average monthly rates there is a false positive error (to + 20 % in the warmest months). Basing on the given model the calculator of concentration of pollution by vehicles was devel-oped. This calculator allows to obtain rapidly the values of formaldehyde concentration, de-pending on air temperature, solar radiation and number of vehicles on the highway. The amount of hydrocarbon emission from the vehicles, according the suggested model, allows to estimate the deposit of vehicles into the total amount of greenhouse gases of the city. The ob-tained results could be useful in forming of ecological policy of the cities and in managerial decision making.



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