Advanced Web-Based Customer Taxi Appointment Request System
Avuçlu Emre1ORCID, Meral Süleyman2ORCID
In today's rapidly digitalizing world, significant transformations are also taking place in the service sector. In this context, the taxi industry is also being reshaped by technological innovations. A study was conducted in the literature to reduce traffic congestion. In this study, a web-based online taxi calling and control application was developed. This application was implemented to ensure that users receive safer, faster and more comfortable transportation services. This study aims to prevent security problems that may arise in the taxi industry. Since the application allows the information of the taxi driver and the passenger to be easily visible on the system, it is aimed to prevent situations such as loss of belongings and events that could endanger the life of the taxi driver. With the study, an innovative platform was presented that aims to improve the experiences of both passengers and taxi drivers. Thanks to user-friendly interfaces, users can easily make a taxi appointment and choose the driver they want. This application, which has a dynamic structure, was coded in the PHP programming language.
International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal
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