1. University of Hamburg
The car has been identified as an element of modern identities, interwoven
also with gender relations. The masculinity of the automobile subject draws
on the steering and controlling of the car as a technological object. Thus, driverless
cars potentially call into question the gendering of the automobile subject.
With the aim to assess this potential degendering, in this article I analyze
two very different visions of driverless automobility. The focus is placed on the
imagined users, the sociospatial context, and its gendered dimensions. I then
reflect on the status of the videos, elaborating on their impact on the future
of (auto)mobility and their meaning for mobility research. Gendering of cars,
then, is seen as an element of a deeper socioeconomic order and its inherent
power relations. Thus, future genderings cannot be simply read off technological
visions but will instead develop in unforeseeable social contestations.
Cited by
18 articles.