1. FMA = fieldwork materials of the authors. The village of Mys and township of Kulömdin, Kulömdin district, Komi Republic.
2. Istoriia Myeldinskoi Ioanno-Predtechenskoi Tserkvi
3. Otsenka 2023 = Otsenka chislennosti naseleniia Respubliki Komi po munitsipal'nym obrazovaniiam i stolitse na 1 ianvaria 2022–2023 gg. (s uchetom itogov Vserossiiskoi perepisi naseleniia 2020 goda), 25.04.2023 [Estimation of the population of the Komi Republic by municipalities and the capital by 1 January 2022–2023 (taking into account the results of the All-Russian population census of 2020), 04/25/2023]. Komistat. Territorial'nyi organ Federel'noi sluzhby gosudarstvennoi statistiki po Respublike Komi. https://11.rosstat.gov.ru/population (accessed 28 April 2023).
4. Individual and Collective Identities in Russian Orthodoxy;Agadjanian, Alexander,2010
5. Ritual and Deference;Bloch, Maurice,2004