1. Harvard University
This article is a historical examination of several watershed episodes in
the militarization of US social science. It off ers an assessment of the actual “science”
underpinning such initiatives as Project Camelot, and traces how American
anthropology in its reaction to Project Camelot and Cold War studies moved from
certain kinds of scientific/knowledge production toward others. By critiquing the
intellectual foundations of Project Camelot alongside other examples of action-oriented
social science, this article examines the connections between functionalism
and the conceptual bias toward social order. What linked development, militarism,
and imperialism was a more often than not oversimplified view of human
behavior. In order to comprehend how models of development and modernization
continue to shape American hegemony, this article scrutinizes a particular history
of “military modernity.”
Cited by
2 articles.